Networking Event: “AKIS in Action: Raising Awareness of Farmers’ Role in the Agri-Food Supply Chain”
An EU project modernAKIS is organizing an event aimed at raising awareness of the essential role farmers play in the agri-food supply chain. This networking event will bring togeth
AdvisoryNetPEST: Workshop on Soft Skills for Advisors
The AdvisoryNetPEST project, in collaboration with two other projects, OrganicAdviceNetwork and Stratus, is organizing a Workshop on Soft Skills, designed specifically for advisors
STRATUS: First Annual consortium meeting and general assembly meeting.
It has been one year since the launch of STRATUS in Pamplona, Spain, and the partners are meeting again for the project´s first Annual Consortium Meeting and General Assemb
Announcing a new event – SEASNFair
SEASN is excited to introduce SEASNFair, an online event where members of the network and wider, come together for short presentations followed by active discussions. These events
The 64th IALB | 14th EUFRAS | 11th SEASN Annual Meeting 2025 will take place from 25 to 26 June in Brussels, Belgium.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Strengthening the role of advice and education in the CAP now and in the future”. Advice and education are a key instrum
SEASN General Assembly 2024 Highlights Network’s Achievements, Introduces New Tools, and Sets Goals for the Future
On October 28, 2024, SEASN’s General Assembly was held in Belgrade, Serbia, at the premises of the Institute for Science Application in Agriculture (IPN). The assembly was organi
Study Trip to Croatia Organized by SEASN for Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry in Carinthia
From September 15th to 17th, 2024, SEASN Honorary President Milan Husnjak organized a study trip for the Carinthian Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry from Austria, focusing on Cr
63rd IALB, 13th EUFRAS, and 10th SEASN Conference in Edinburgh
From September 10 to 13, European agricultural advisors gathered in Edinburgh for the 63rd IALB, 13th EUFRAS, and 10th SEASN Conference, hosted by Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)